
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under agreement No 883424

2024 Optimization of the ENTRANCE Rapidly Relocatable Tagged Neutron Inspection System

In the framework of the ENTRANCE project (H2020 program of the EU), the Rapidly Relocatable Tagged Neutron Inspection System (RRTNIS) developed in the previous C-BORD H2020 project is being optimized in order to improve the non-intrusive detection of explosives, narcotics, chemical threats, and other illicit goods in cargo containers.

The RRTNIS is based on the associated particle technique, which allows, from gamma rays induced by fast neutrons, the identification of the elements constituting the inspected cargo materials in a selected region of interest in 3D. An algorithm unfolds the gamma energy spectrum of any suspicious area on a database of pure element signatures.

In the ENTRANCE project, the RRTNIS has been reassembled at IRESNE Institute of CEA DES, in Cadarache research center, to improve the experimental setup in collaboration with the University of Padova.

The improvements focus on background reduction and signal-to noise improvement based on a 3D selection of events. A new and upgraded database of pure element gamma signatures was also acquired and laboratory tests were performed placing simulants of explosives, illicit drugs and chemical elements inside wood and iron matrices. These data will be used to develop advanced data processing methods and material identification with Artificial Intelligence, in collaboration with CEA LIST.


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Optimization of the ENTRANCE Rapidly Relocatable Tagged Neutron Inspection System


ENTRANCE General information


Most of the organisations and individuals in ENTRANCE have already collaborated through previous successful EU funded projects such as C-BORD, CORE, EUROSKY and are re-uniting their capabilities to build the value chain of NII for effective border controls.

Read more about the ENTRANCE partners