
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under agreement No 883424

Press release 15 October 2020

The ENTRANCE project on EfficieNT Risk-bAsed iNspection of freight Crossing bordErs without disrupting business was officially launched on 13 October 2020!

As gatekeepers of EU borders, customs authorities have seen their mission to detect and seize maximum amounts of illicit goods on their way to enter the EU become increasingly challenging. Partly due to the growing number of customs declarations and limited customs staff members, this situation can further be explained by the expanding range of threats EU customs have had to face. Next to the “classic cross-border threats” such as drugs trafficking, cigarette smuggling, weapons trafficking, and duty and other border tax fraud, EU customs have indeed been required to deal with a new and complex risk landscape ranging from counterfeit products and new psychoactive substances to sensitive dual-use technologies, and nuclear and radioactive materials.

Addressing these new threats requires innovative and reliable technologies, combined with information sharing and collaboration mechanisms, to enhance border customs staff’s capabilities and allow them to focus on detecting and inspecting high-risk shipments without preventing legitimate trade from circulating as quickly and freely as possible.

It is this challenge that the 3-year EU funded “EfficieNT Risk-bAsed iNspection of freight Crossing bordErs without disrupting business”, i.e. the ENTRANCE project, launched on the 1st of October 2020, aims to address.

Concerned with developing, implementing and testing through field-trials a comprehensive user-based Toolbox for risk-based non-intrusive inspection of cross-border freight movements, the ENTRANCE project seeks to deliver five key outputs:

  1. Automated Risk Assessment, Threat Recognition and Information Sharing Platform (ENARTIS)
  2. Suite of Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) technologies for detecting contraband hidden in high-density cargo
  3. Enhanced relocatable unit for non-intrusive detection of wide number of threats including explosives, illicit drugs, chemical warfare agents, nuclear and radioactive materials and special nuclear materials such as enriched uranium and plutonium
  4. Trans-European network of Radiation Portal Monitors (RPM) for passive detection of illicit nuclear and radioactive material combining detection facilities of different types and technologies
  5. Novel high-speed RPM detection technology for passive detection of nuclear and radioactive with minimal disturbance of flow

The ENTRANCE consortium is composed of 16 partners:

  • Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives (CEA) - France
  • BERTIN Technologies (BERTIN) - France
  • Smiths Heimann SAS (SMITHSD) - France
  • ETC Soft SP. Z.O.O (ETC) - Poland
  • Costruzioni Apparecchiature Elettroniche Nucleari CAEN SpAF (CAEN) - Italy
  • ARKTIS Radiation Detectors AG (ARKTIS) - Switzerland
  • Ministry of Interior (MOI) - Croatia
  • Universita degli Studi di Padova (UNIPD) - Italy
  • Joint Research Centre – European Commission (JRC) - Belgium
  • Iris Instruments SAS (IRIS) - France
  • ARTTIC SAS (ARTTIC) - France
  • Ministarstvo Financija (MOF) - Croatia
  • Financial Directorate SR (FD SR) - Slovakia
  • Agencija Mitnici (NCA) - Bulgaria
  • Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) - Bulgaria
  • Service public Federal Finances (FOD) - Belgium

The ENTRANCE project is coordinated by the CEA (France) and is also being supported by external experts who will advise the consortium and provide independent peer review. It has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 883424.



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Optimization of the ENTRANCE Rapidly Relocatable Tagged Neutron Inspection System


ENTRANCE General information


Most of the organisations and individuals in ENTRANCE have already collaborated through previous successful EU funded projects such as C-BORD, CORE, EUROSKY and are re-uniting their capabilities to build the value chain of NII for effective border controls.

Read more about the ENTRANCE partners