
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under agreement No 883424

Rijeka Field Tests
Jun. 14 2023

The first Field Tests in the ENTRANCE project, involving 50 people, were held at the port of Rijeka in Croatia from 8thto 26th May 2023. With an annual cargo throughput of 13.6 million tonnes (2020), mostly of oil, bulk cargo and general cargo, Rijeka is the country’s largest commercial port.

During the Field Tests, real sources were hidden inside lorry containers – explosives, drugs, radioactive sources and nuclear material – so the technologies were tested and assessed in a series of real-life and challenging scenarios, under the watchful eye of Croatia Customs.

WCO Technology Conference
Oct. 19 2022

We were delighted to have been invited to present the ENTRANCE project in a dedicated session during the WCO Technology Conference on 19 October in Maastricht. Project partner Michael Doherty of MD CMSS, and formerly the Irish Customs, delivered an excellent presentation giving a clear overview of the objectives and anticipated results of ENTRANCE.

Public Workshop
Oct. 17 2021

We were very pleased to hold our Stakeholder and Public Workshop this week ahead of the WCO Technology Conference in Maastricht. A hybrid meeting, it was attended both by partners from the project and external customs authorities that brought additional operational experience to the discussions.


ENTRANCE General information


Most of the organisations and individuals in ENTRANCE have already collaborated through previous successful EU funded projects such as C-BORD, CORE, EUROSKY and are re-uniting their capabilities to build the value chain of NII for effective border controls.

Read more about the ENTRANCE partners