
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under agreement No 883424


EfficieNT Risk-bAsed iNspection of freight Crossing bordErs without disrupting business 



To address a complex landscape of threats, which include counterfeit products, new psychoactive substances, nuclear and radioactive materials, and sensitive dual-use technologies, EU customs authorities need innovative and reliable technologies. 

Re-enforced by improved information sharing across EU borders and improved collaboration mechanisms, these technologies will enhance customs’ capabilities and facilitate their detection and inspection of high-risk shipments. They will also protect society against a wide range of threats, while minimally disrupting the cross-border flow of goods.


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New ENTRANCE Field Tests Video

The ENTRANCE Field Tests took place over three weeks in the port of Rijeka, Croatia. The tests, which were made possible by the active involvement and support of Croatia Customs, the Ministry of Interior and project partner the Ruder Boskovic Institute, provided an opportunity to test and assess the various Non-Intrusive Inspection technologies being developed in the project. Real targets, including guns, explosive, drugs and contraband, as well as live radioactive sources were hidden in commercial containers to ensure the technologies were put through their paces in challenging, real life scenarios.

Watch our new video to see how ENTRANCE is developing innovative technologies to support European customs' authorities deal with this new complex cross-border landscape.


ENTRANCE Infographic Video

To watch the series of short one to one interviews with the technical leads, use the navigation bar at the top of the page - Publications and Results >> Communications Material





Develop and validate a comprehensive user-based toolbox for risk-based non-intrusive inspection (NII) of cross-border freight movements, with particular focus on the EU borders


Enhance border security practitioners' capabilities
to protect society against a wide range of dangerous and illicit materials with minimum disruption of cross-border flow of goods






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ENTRANCE is concerned with developing, implementing and testing through field-trials a comprehensive
user-based Toolbox for risk-based non-intrusive inspection of cross-border freight movements. These include
the control of maritime containers at ports, vehicles of all types at land borders and freight trains.

Automated Risk Assessment, Threat Recognition and Information Sharing Platform (ENARTIS)
Automated Risk Assessment, Threat Recognition and Information Sharing Platform (ENARTIS)
Suite of Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) technologies for detecting contraband hidden in high-density cargo
Suite of Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) technologies for detecting contraband hidden in high-density cargo
Enhanced re-locatable unit for non-intrusive detection of wide number of threats including explosives, illicit drugs, chemical warfare agents, nuclear and radioactive materials and special nuclear materials, such as enriched uranium and plutonium
Enhanced re-locatable unit for non-intrusive detection of wide number of threats including explosives, illicit drugs, chemical warfare agents, nuclear and radioactive materials and special nuclear materials, such as enriched uranium and plutonium
Trans-European network of Radiation Portal Monitors (RPM) for passive detection of illicit nuclear and radioactive material combining detection facilities of different types and technologies
Trans-European network of Radiation Portal Monitors (RPM) for passive detection of illicit nuclear and radioactive material combining detection facilities of different types and technologies
Novel high-speed Radiation Portal Monitors (RPM) detection technology for passive detection of nuclear and radioactive with minimal disturbance of flow
Novel high-speed Radiation Portal Monitors (RPM) detection technology for passive detection of nuclear and radioactive with minimal disturbance of flow


ENTRANCE General information


Most of the organisations and individuals in ENTRANCE have already collaborated through previous successful EU funded projects such as C-BORD, CORE, EUROSKY and are re-uniting their capabilities to build the value chain of NII for effective border controls.

Read more about the ENTRANCE partners